Friday, July 20, 2007

Ethics Continuing Education

EAs often ask me about the ethics continuing education requirement. EAs are currently required to complete 6 hours of ethics continuing education during each three year cycle. The most common question I receive is "Can I take all six hours in one year?" (Let me pull out my handydandy IRS Circular 230.)

Each year of the three year enrollment cycle, a minimum of 16 hours of continuing education credit must be completed. These 16 hours must include 2 hours of ethics or professional conduct each year. In other words, if you take an ethics course with 6 hours of credit, you can only apply 2 hours to the current year ethics requirement.

The bad news is that you can't roll the extra hours to cover the ethics requirements in future years. The good news is that you can use the extra hours towards your annual 16 hour requirement.

So it's like this. Let's say you haven't taken any of your CE this year and you complete a 4 hour ethics course. Your ethics hours for this year would be complete and, by applying the extra 2 hours to your annual requirement, you only have 12 hours remaining. (Yea, I know....only 12 hours.)

Also, an enrolled agent is not required to take ethics if he or she enrolls in the middle of an enrollment year. The regulation does not require ethics until the agent begins his or her first three-year enrollment cycle.

I hope this helps answer a few questions. You can find out more in your IRS Circular 230 or online at

Talk to you soon,

Mark Weaver

1 comment:

Unknown said...

To learn Ethics is very vital. Anyone should have taken this subject because, this is knowing what is right from wrong. Respect is a very important attitude that everyone should have.